Friday, November 18, 2011

Leslie-Anne's Last Chance Half Race Report - Nov. 2011

Last Chance Half Marathon
Race Report

For the first time since joining TTL I was able to do this race. The reason being was my beloved Saskatchewan Roughriders decided very early in the season that me doing this race was waaayyyyy more important to them than winning enough games to be in the semi final play-offs that are held the same weekend. So thanks Riders, I appreciate the support.

The preparation for this race was not stressful. I was still feeling pretty good after IMC and had enough in me to focus on this distance during training.
Last weekend’s 8km in Banff was fun and as a result I was looking forward to this race.

The other thing that kept me focused was the fact that fellow TTL’er Tara Beattie volunteered to run with me. Not ahead of me as usual, but with me. She said she wasn’t ready to race but could run it instead. Hmmm, her run pace would be close to my “race pace” but I was MORE than happy to have someone of higher calibre running with me.
We did a couple of runs together and she said it would be a good day. I told her I would love to make or break my PB of 2:08 set at the Harvest Half in 2010. She said no problem, she would “do the numbers” in order for that to occur.
My task was to try and solve my internal challenge that has plagued me at every race since that Harvest Half.

I decided that I had to take something for my internal challenge, spoke to a pharmacist and it was advised that one-hour prior race start I would take on capsule of Imodium. I told everyone that my new friend “Emo” was with me for this race. A lot was riding on this and I was trusting that I wouldn’t be let down.

We (Tara and I) were there to see Kelly off on the earlier start. She was worried that she would be alone for the 9:30am start but there were several runners. Part of me thought I should be starting then too!

Our time arrived and we were off. Pacing was up to Tara and we were a group of 4 as there were 3 TTL’ers and another runner who was hoping for 2:08 as well.
As we continued, I was not talkative but I certainly enjoyed the camaraderie of those around me. I was not feeling any discomfort as we hit the 10k mark at 1:01. Good pacing as Tara kept us all honest. (She said she was feeling nervous being in charge, I say HA!)
We lost one of our party (John, TTL’er from Bragg Creek) as he went ahead, fair enough, he stated he enjoyed the pace as it kept him from going out too fast as he has in past).
The lead runner was heading back around this point, wow, amazing to see such talented athletes and be in the same race.

The turn-around point finally appeared and we were “one of those people” on the return. One thing about out and backs is the chance to see other runners and especially those we know. It was great to see Coach Sharon doing so well and Nate also from TTL (or was!).

Things seemed to be going well, I was a little stressed but not to the point where I was required to slow down. I was thinking this could be the day; I would at least come close to my PB when the ominous signs of me needing to stop began. The verbal barrage of language that went through my head was not good. I tried to ignore the gurgling but it was to no avail. I had to tell Tara that I had to stop. I told her to continue on. I was at 13km.

When I got back on the pathway Tara was waiting for me. It took everything I had not to break down completely at that point. I was embarrassed and really f*cking mad at myself. I struggled with understanding what is it about me? How can I take what is suppose to deter this and yet it doesn’t? Is that my super power? Well no thanks; it is NOT what I would deem a desirable super power.

Tara respected me enough to let me deal with my demons and push them aside. I was mad now and as a result picked up the pace. Later on she told me we were under 6min kilometres for a good 5 km after that.
So now we are 18km out and again, the threat of having to stop was occurring again. I didn’t want to walk. I wanted to keep running but I knew if I didn’t stop an accident on Memorial was going to happen. The question at 19.5km was should I stop or keep walking. The latter as chosen as it was movement of the right kind, going forward.

There is no way at 20km I was going to walk. Only 6mins to the finish, I could make that. So we (Tara was still with me, she is a true friend to have done as such) started back running.
We had a laugh at the gal who sprinted just as we were on her heels in the finishing chute, both Tara and I said, “whatever”. It was I however, that said let’s kick it up as I wanted to be at least under 12:13 and we were. Just.

Great support from the TTL’ers who were at the finish line and within minutes I was off to the Y. No worry about blockage from the Imodium that’s for sure.

We gathered afterwards in the Garage, with a tasty brunch and a chance to relax. I did meet someone who stated it was his second half. He said he was doing these races as he was thinking of getting into triathlons. I told him the 3 of us (Tara, Kelly and I) were triathletes. He figured that out, as we were all wearing our “colours”. He asked me what my time was, and when I told him he said, “Wow, that’s pretty good”. At that moment I agreed, it was. Given the calibre of athletes that were there, had I PB”ed” today it would have only put me up 3 places in my AG. So, I came home at peace about how I did.

A most excellent eastern semi-final football game followed by an exciting western semi-final game helped in the recovery. I now know I will not be watching the Montreal Allouettes OR the Calgary Stampeders in the Grey Cup this year! Works for me!

BBQ’d steak, baked tater, red wine followed by an ice cream at Marble Slab (or is that Marble Flab) has put me in a better space. I didn’t PB today but I worked on my pacing and that was the main goal. Many thanks to Tara who helped me overcome my anger (which is based on fear, pain and powerlessness together or separately) and kept me focused on going forward.

Not sure if I will ever be able to rid myself of this issue but in the meantime I know what I am capable of and can only look to better it.

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