I’m not sure what to say. I told Ally I was envious because I would not have done what she did, and I so very much respect her choice and am THRILLED she was acknowledged at the awards banquet! Read on to understand. Thank you for being in team colors and supporting Candace Ally! Sorry about the “moon”!
Hi Angie,
I thought I would send a message this way. Re Candace I will let her tell you about her race, but she did very well, from all that I saw.
I saw her early in the morning, and it was fun. I got her set up right beside me in transition, and took the opportunity to use the bike repair guys to get her front brake aligned as she hadn't done that yet.. considering the new course was hilly and it was windy it was a good things - so her bike was good to go.
She truly cracked me up when she told me her goals were to not finish last, and be done her 5km in 40mins. I tried to re-adjust the idea but she would have none of that. I also told her that I would be come back for her on the run, and would kick her butt if it took her 40minutes..
I believe She had the confidence to be on her own, but I stayed close nonetheless It was nice to be able to help, we got each other in our wetsuits, headed down for a pre swim, and I gave her some tips on how to swim the course. She learned well as we actually got out of the water at the same time. I am not sure if she swam my course as I decide to swim wide outside and use endurance as my best asset and keep out of the muck - it worked well for me as I think I swam more, but actually felt like I swam well ( I am taking that as a victory of my race).
in transition she was good, I gave her a few words of encouragement, as she was concentrating on everything( and strongly reminded her about her helmet - really she was good) and I then I was off. the bike course allowed was a big loop but did have 3 parts that were out and backs.. I was a little worried as I was at 7km( she at about2 or 3) before I saw her again but when I did she was smiling.. and I encouraged her on.. the other 3x were the same - it was nice being out there in the purple and orange.
A little side bar on my race:
I also was having a blast encouraging others on, and thanking the volunteers, at at one stage even high fived one.. I was pushing on the bike I had one thing on my mind it was snot and drool time.. and then it happened coming back a girl on team bike, was on the side of the road, and was distraught, she had only dropped her chain but couldn't seem to fix it, I stopped almost did a flying dismount and it was not Alla Angie it was Alla Ally ah oh my bike is still moving jump. It took a few second put her chain on and i was on my way.. ( she thanked me after the race and told me she was ready to quit - I said really over a chain that's easy to fix).
I ended up 5th overall of the bike I was closing in on at least 4th and 3rd when I stopped - oh well I am happy with m decision
On the run it was one big loop.. it was new course and I think I really ran way too easy not easy but my foot was stiff and a rock in my shoe made me start off slower( and no garmin) plus the course run was so beautiful, distracting in fact, there were tons of volunteers and it was fun to make them smile ( at one stage though one did kind of bother me when she let me run almost down the hill before calling me back and telling me the run was this way (it was ok, I am responsible to know my course anyway) I ran most of the race alone, which gave me a false sense of something - no km markers and no participant visuals until the last I think 1.5km ahead and then I began to hunt, I wasn't sure if it was team people in front or individuals but i was picking them off - it was funny I would go wet hair individuals, dry hair team, I smiled wished everyone well, and thanked all the volunteers high fived the water boys I was having a blast..
then the last 100m came around the corner and up the hill and I saw the one person I wanted to catch ( a friend but I still wanted it). so my discipline in track 100m was geared up, and I tore to the finish - didn't catch her well she was about 50m ahead I did get with in 20- 15m ish though ( about 37s to be exact). Good finish everyone was like wow so strong.. too funny I swear my finish picture will have me full high knees Bolt style.
End time 24.10, 3rd overall in the run ( darn though because 1st overall was 22.35 which I could have done BUT and this is a big but I was super Happy with my race because I was super happy the whole time, and really I have bigger things to focus on - I just love racing so it as nice to do one before the" big "one)
Once across the line I quickly thanked Paddy ( the race official - who wanted my number ( I thought oh crap), Garth the race director - great guy, my fellow competitors, finish volunteers) and then head back to see where Candace was.. I walked about about a 1km and waited She was a little back by the time i saw her she was smiling and just enjoying a casual run.. I yelled out "its not 40 minutes you can stop and have a picnic if you want.. oh and your aren't last so all is good." She continued to run her own pace, and I followed finally 'i said ok 100m to go, lets go she did not go, so I kind of prodded her and she picked it up. Finish line complete - not last, her mom and husband were super proud of her. I told she did awesome and I thanked her for letting me supporter her. Her mom hugged me.. And then she was gone.. smiling from start to finish from what I did see ( but that's her story to tell)
so there goes my review of the race of Candace and a side bar on me. I didn't see Candace after the finish, I went back to the BBQ with my friend Ted. We look at the race results and when I officially read 4th.. I was disappointed, but it was what it was 37s.
Although I was 11th in the swim - that made me smile ( may no be stellar but good for me), 5th on the bike( I did have a what if moment), and 3rd in the run.. it was just a little race but still it was a little bit of me out there..
We stayed for the awards and this time Garth asked me for my number ( I thought for sure I was now going to be DQ'd for helping that girl or something)
Turns out not, when I was leaving.. I heard my name and number called( I went that's it I am done), I was wrong I may not have won the race, but I got something I think was pretty special. I won top sportsmanship award ( voted on by the race official, director, and the volunteers). Kind of cool really ( I even got a prize which I think is funny a personal training certificate, and a basket full of fair-trade coffee, chocolates and little gifts from Africa). I don't drink coffee or eat chocolate but I am sure I have some teammates who will enjoy. Paddy said I wore my team colours well, It made me happy and gave me a little extra for my swim later today
oh yeah and I think there is about 4 more people that want to join the team..
After the race I headed to the pool and put my 3500m in, it felt good except the last 500m not because I was tired ( because I had to pee - yeah I will pee in my wetsuit and something tells me I may learn to pee on my bike but NOT in the pool - YUCK) it was tough to hold.. but I did
Big ride brick tomorrow
I love racing.. and I love this sport really truly.. seeing Candace get the bug was really great - she will do very well. SHE DID WELL!
I hope YOU will get some rest soon.. Your new pupil Candace I am sure will be smile herself to sleep tonight..
I know I will thank you.. Ally
Ps Tara lent me her shorts - she indicated that they would be big.. I said no they would be fine.. turns out I almost had a wardrobe malfunction.. When I was pull off my wetsuit I almost pulled my shorts off too.. Yep almost MOONED the entire crowd. Now is that a little piece of Irony got the shorts and almost lost the short - I am sure \I would have been DQ'd for that - and well the bike - ouch!!!
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